Merry Christmas to all of you! Ours has been just awesome. Last year, for a couple of reasons (2 of the boys were not here, my mom had an awful wreck on Christmas Day on her way to my sister's house while on the phone with me) Christmas was just not that great. I cried all the way through the Christmas Eve service at St. Margaret's (everyone thought I was just very sad about the retirement of our wonderful priest and I let them go with that) and I barely got through Christmas Day. I have not had very many not-terrific-Christmases. I love the season. I love the gift giving. I even make (yes, in the kitchen) fudge in several batches. I am so thrilled that Baby Jesus is born in my heart over and over again. I am a Christmas fan! While last year was not very good, this year was one of those years when it was just outstanding in many ways.
Ashton's quilt has tools all over it. |
Ayden's has aliens on it. |
The gift giving for me began last week when Ayden and Ashton came over with Morgan and Des for Sunday night dinner. Hollis made enchiladas and rice and we bought some tamales. I gave the boys the quilts I made for them and they were a big hit. Ashton grabbed his, crawled up in my lap to watch Toy Story 3 and fell asleep. It was so nice to have a sleeping angel in my lap (although, as with most kiddos, he doubles his body weight and triples his body temp when he dozes off). We also gave them a pop up indoor tent and some books. I do love to shop for kids!
Then we moved along the week to some great Christmas events. Tuesday after work, my dear brat who moved to Pittsburgh last summer came to visit and he and I ran around New Braunfels getting some shopping done and deliveries made. It was awesome to spend just a couple of hours with him and he even volunteered to go to San Antonio for me on Wednesday to pick up one of Hollis' gifts. I love that Brock-guy and I sure miss him.
Curtis |
Clayton |
Wednesday after work, Desiree and I went to Kyle for some more fun. We met Mom at the Texas Pie Company where I bought some more gifts and then the 3 of us had a fabulous Mexican seafood dinner in a little place called Pisces. Mom was headed to Fairhope by way of Vinton so in addition to her gifts, I was able to send some for other Englishes as well. With Mom and Currie off to Fairhope, Alabama, Steve and Rachel in Vinton Louisiana and Kathy, Lane and kids in Red River, New Mexico, I think this is the first time all four of us have ever been in four different states for Christmas.
Desiree and Morgan |
a super family photo - thanks Daniel! |
Hollis and me |
All of our boys are here in the area, probably for the foreseeable future. They were all waiting for us along with Desiree and Morgan's friend Daniel when we got home from church Friday evening. Hollis made stir-fry for dinner and then we opened the gifts. Much, much fun! Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and then they went out to play. Hollis made his amazing hot chocolate for Des and me and we chatted for a while before she left. Clayton and Curtis took Daniel to nightspots in New Braunfels and Harris went over to watch Morgan and Des get everything ready for Santa's visit to Ayden and Ashton. When they were all gone, Hollis went to bed. I was tired and I wanted to sleep but I was just so filled with contentment that I didn't want it to end. I stayed up in my quiet house and just replayed the evening in my mind. Then, I got a text message from my mom that she LOVED the jacket I gave her. More good news! Kathy posted photos of her family skiing. More fun stuff and it wasn't even Christmas Day yet!
This morning, Clayton, Curtis and Daniel returned from their adventures and once Harris got up and we heated up the chili Hollis made, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Daniel held down the fort (more specifically, the sofa) while we went for Christmas Dinner. More scrumptious Mexican fare for lunch and then more gifts. Just when I thought I could take no more, we decided to go see a movie.
Harris |
Clayton, Harris, Curtis, Hollis and I went to see True Grit. I had concerns about seeing this movie because I am a big fan of the original (a really big fan - I quote it often) so I had to be gently convinced by reviewers and interviews with some of the stars to get myself to say yes. Let me just say, I have no regrets. It is a wonderful movie. A little more graphic in the violence than the original but it is true to the story line and not even a little bit disrespectful to the original. I look forward to recommending it to people. Then we went looking for dinner. Whataburger had the audacity to be closed and since it had won the popular vote in the Suburban, that was a bummer. We had to come home and make do with leftovers. That is, until I remembered the salmon fillets Mom had given me Wednesday evening. Curtis and I pan fried one whole filet in some seasoning and butter and toasted bagels to go with. Hollis had leftover chili and tamales and the other 4 of us pigged out on salmon.
So there you have it. One wonderful Christmas! I am blessed beyond blessed and I know it. Please Lord, keep me ever mindful of all your blessings. Never let me lose sight of how much love surrounds me and how much I have to be thankful for. Show me how to be a blessing to others as I have been blessed and thank you for sending Baby Jesus to us year after year after year.