Updates first: 1. My draft of H is for Harris, H is for Hero was accepted in it's entirety! The person who requested it read it late last night and said it was fine just as it is. Great relief. I shared it with a few people today and it was very well received. I won't put it here until it has reached it's final destination but I am pleased with the reaction. 2. Peaches continue to ripen and plums are not far behind.
The dilemma comes next. While in the quilt shop this weekend - not the 3 times in 3 days shop, but another one in town - I saw this really cute purse and it's pattern. I purchased the pattern and some really great fabric for the purse. Tonight, I began cutting out the pattern. But take a look at the instructions!! There are 3 pages of instructions and the pages are 15 X 21" each! I'm not sure I have what it takes here. The body of the purse is fusible fleece and fusible interfacing and it calls for layers and layers of the stuff. Not only that, you have to make the cording for the pocket. I guess one more trip to get more supplies at Hobby Lobby tomorrow and I will see if I can decipher all these directions. Maybe I should have asked to borrow the sample in the store. I may have to visit it once or twice. Oh, and I'm going to see if there is an instructional video on YouTube. Isnt' everything on YouTube? It just didn't look that complicated in the store. . .
Forget all that other stuff--you have TWO quilt shops close to you? TWO? I have to drive 30 miles round trip to get a spool of basic thread. Closest quilt shop is a 40 mile round trip. sigh. I'm envious. (And the purse shouldn't be that complicated. Maybe the pattern designer just over-wrote it.) Great blog, darlin'.