Sunday, July 25, 2010

C'est Fini!

The 2010 NBAQG Holiday Magic Quilt Show is in the history blogs - or at least it will be once the organizers tie up several hundred loose ends.  Our show has 3 co-chairs and when you sign on, it's for 3 shows.  We have our shows every other year so it's a long term commitment to say the least.  These 3 women co-ordinate the renting of the facility, set-up, take-down and everything in between and our guild members as well as the general public contributes the quilts for the show.  We had over 200 quilts this year!  From 8"x8" miniatures to large queen sized bed quilts, all were constructed by the artists who showed them.  If you are inspired by such things, you would have been just that at this show.  I know I was.  I showed 3 quilts.  Because I have sold quilts and taught others to make things, I have to show my quilts in the category "Master Quilter."  I hardly consider myself a master quilter - I keep trying to refine my work, but I'm no master quilter.  Rules are rules, however, so I just enter my quilts and hope for the best.  No ribbons for me this year.  Maybe 2012, we shall see. . .

Here are my entries:
Fiesta Animals - I designed this one.

This one is called Holiday Yummies.
This one has the fuzzy back.  Fabulous naps are guaranteed!
The back of Holiday Yummies.

Hollis and I love the Fiesta Animals.  They will be hanging on the wall in the living room as soon as I have time to put them up.  The pink one needs a home.  It has micro-plush backing so it is a a very cozy nap quilt.  I hope to sell it.  The Christmas quilt needs a home too.  The back of it is just amazing - guess I'd better find a photo of that too.

Mr. Tom
Alexis Anne, an unidentified friend and equally unidentified pup.
Then on the other quilt front, I have two new satisfied customers.  Tom picked up his quilt last weekend when he was in town to hang with the cousins and Katelyn went to Fairhope this weekend and delivered Alexis' quilt to her.  Wanna see the pix?  This is why I quilt - how can you go wrong wrapping those you love in something warm and beautiful.  I may not be a master but I sure am happiest creating, making, finishing and presenting my quilts.  Next up is Mr. Kagan - he wants plaids - not a problem.  I'll take some photos along the way.

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