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Photo 2 |
Photo 3 |
One of the benefits of buying a house that was built in 1972 is that it comes with all sorts of old-timey appliances. Behold the one in the back yard (see photo 1). I know Hollis uses the wires between this one and it's mate for hanging up the dog blankets but I like the alternate uses we have found for the t-posts. It holds the rain gauge and a bird feeder. The bird feeder is a metal cage-like structure and we put these bricks of bird seed in them. Well, some genius Mockingbird built a nest in ours. This concerned us for a couple of reasons. One, it's sort of low and unprotected. Two, it is right out in the open - no shade anywhere. I went out to take a look. Here's what was in the nest (see Photo 2). They were so beautiful! Now we had a new concern. It just didn't seem possible that 3 eggs in the August, afternoon, South Texas heat could possibly do anything but cook. I kept going out every couple of days and taking photos but we were sure they were doomed. Here's was I found on Wednesday, August 11 (you guessed it - see Photo 3)! This is how I know it's a good thing that God is in control and not Hollis and me. We were wrong to doubt! Now, of course, all these guys have done so far is hatch. They pop their heads up for dinner every time I go near them and I even shot a video of that but I'll spare you that right now. They are not a bit cute. They were much prettier in their eggs but I'll keep taking photos of them and see if they get better looking. I always feel blessed by practically any kind of wildlife interaction. I still love seeing deer and rabbits in the fields around our house. We have a barn swallow nest on our front porch and every year we get a couple of batches of baby barn swallows growing up in it. I love watching the adults swoop in and out of the nest over our heads while we are on the deck. It's just way up high and I don't get to see the babies until they are big enough to sit on the edge of the nest. The new Mockingbird babies are right where I can see them change day to day. I am really tickled about that.
One more thought. It's supposed to be "really easy" to put my photos where I want in the "new blog editor" but I'm not having much luck with that. I will try to master that on the way to my next post. . .
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