Monday, May 24, 2010

Words, words, words

So today I was asked by a distant not quite relative to compose my thoughts about Harris as hero in his military service and recovery from his "adventure." That's easy! Then I was told to do it in 150 words. HA! That's just silly! I know how to be succinct. I don't often choose to be, but I do know how. I like words. I love making up words and do it all the time. When people say "Is that really a word?" I say "Did you know what I was trying to say? If so, then it's a word." Loose definition, I know, but I stand by it. It turns out one (maybe more) of the boys is really, really good with words. He doesn't make them up, he just does a really good job of using a wide variety of them. I have a hunch his punctuation is not all that terrific - he reads his compositions to me - but his word choice is amazing. This makes me very happy. Maybe he will have a blog some day. He did write a poem when my dad died that still makes me cry every time I read it or even think about it. I married a guy who is also great with words. Never, ever ask him to proofread something after it is published. You will regret it. So my 563-word composition will have to be trimmed down. Maybe I got the assignment wrong. I'll check into that. . .

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