So all I wanted to do this evening was get all this in writing and Her Royal Majesty, Princess Batik decided to take a kitten nap in my lap - with her head on the keyboard. I moved her, she went back. I put her on the floor, she came back to my lap and resumed her position. It sort of reminded me of dealing with a determined 2-year-old. I did, however, prevail in the end and here is the proof. It has been a really good Memorial Day weekend. I finished the lots-of-prep-work purse and it is most acceptable. I began and finished my last show quilt top. I made the backing for the other show quilt and took both of them to Wonder Wilma this afternoon to be quilted. I also made progress on a couple of other projects and have cleared the way my big June project which I am not at liberty to discuss just yet.
Well, it's almost June. I have lots on my calendar for June and I will end it by turning 50 years old. Those who know me might think it's just the 5th time I've turned 10. I am going to have some fun in the next few weeks. I might just get started on that in the morning - why waste time. . .