Today marks the 25th anniversary of the third time I gave birth. It is time to tell the last delivery story even if it's about the next to last kid. Harris was late like Morgan - maybe it's an April thing. I was almost two weeks past my due date and awfully tired of the whole situation. I had had an ultrasound test at 20 weeks along to verify my due dates and at time learned that boy #3 was on his way. By now, Hollis, Morgan, Clayton and I all had middle names that start with L. Finding an L middle name for this boy is easy enough - my grandfather's first name was Lyle. He did not like it much. He went by Steve to most other adults but I can still hear my grandmother exclaiming "Lyle!" when he used colorful language that she did not like. We had a middle name. The first name was trickier but I'll get to that in a bit. I went to see my doctor the day Harris was born. It was first thing that morning but I'll never forget what he said after my examination. "Something is eminent." No kidding, Dr. Ryder?!? Something is eminent?!? I am two weeks overdue with child #3 in 4 years and something is eminent? He was not mistaken. Hollis came home from work at his usual time that day and we took Morgan and Clayton over to his mom's house for some dinner and great-grandparent time. If I dominoed in the next day or two, it would be a while before they got fussed over (and at) by Paw and Gregie. Feeling certain I was in labor, I didn't eat but Hollis and the boys were well fed. We then took the boys home and put them to bed. Willis followed us home and we left for the hospital. I arrived about 7:30 in active labor and we settled in. My dear friend Suzy met us at the hospital and stayed for all the fun. Dr. Ryder broke my water when I was about 7 cm and at 10:34, boy #3 made his entrance. No drugs, no drama - there he was. Once he was all cleaned up and in my arms, Hollis and I knew we had to nail down the name thing. There were two choices: Nathan Lyle or Harrison Lyle. We did the only thing we could think of - we flipped a coin! Heads would be Harrison, tales would be Nathan. Heads, and Harrison, it was. Paw's grandfather was named Stanton Harrison and he so wanted us to use the name. It always cracked me up that he pestered me so about using the name and then proceeded to call the kid Hayden for a couple of years. I didn't get to use the same wonderful hospital for Harris that I had for Clayton but I had made the decision not to rush home in the morning as I had done before. I would allow the hospital to care for me not just one, but two nights. Dumbest plan I ever made. I got tangled in the sheets my first night and due to some pretty bad lower back pain, I couldn't get out. The nurse was not much help. My overall care was just not what I would have gotten at home. My mom arrived from Houston the next day to take over with the big boys and she brought them to meet the baby. Morgan at age 4 was all about this new baby. Clayton at 18 months was quite indifferent. I really wished I had gone home. The next morning as I was preparing to check out, the nurse came in and rolled my baby out of the room. She said I was required to attend a new mothers class. She said my current experience did not exempt me from the class. She even said that I would not be allowed to have my baby back or check out until I had attended the class!! So I sat there crying as they told me how to hold him, nurse him, change his diaper, put him in a car seat and care for him in general. When I had the chance to go to a different hospital for #4 - I grabbed it! I still managed a drug free delivery and took home a very healthy baby. He was the biggest of the 4 at 9 lbs, 8 oz and was a very sweet east baby. I love thinking about their "birth" days. The memories are of hard work that results in the most precious prize of all. I am blessed beyond blessed!
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